Friday, 3 August 2012

A commentary on the reliability of ' The Eternal Jew ' poster

From source 1 a movie poster from the movie' The Ethernal Jew' i could infer that it is not reliable, the jews were not the way they describe as.The picture that was drawn as a jews looks more like a rat instead of a human, it was to show that the jews were evil by drawing them a monster to represent them, which was not how they really look liked . This shows that the person that drew this were against the jews. Also they painted the man so huge and big size in the picture using black which shows a dislike towards them.

Cross reference to souce 2, it states that" the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew" this tells me Adolf Hilter really hated the jew and name them as a devil. Another evidence was"so gigantic"which seems to describe them as a giant or monster . This two evidences shows that they were against the jews and being bias as they had hated them. The sources were produced by the Nazi party which had a bad opinion of the jews .As both source is bias i can conclude that this sources are not reliable. 

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