Tuesday, 3 July 2012


Place of birth : Austrain
Date of birth : 20 April 1889
Day he died : 30 April 1945

Adolf Hitler a couple of months old.

He was shy, moody and lonely pupil who was only good in ART . In 1907 his application to Vienna's Academey of Fine Art was rejected. Therefore, he had no choice but to sell postcards that he had painted to make ends meet.

Adolf Hitler as a young boy.

 In 1913, he decided to moved to Germany and in the next year he fought bravely in the German Army when World War 1 broke out. Although he was awarded 2 medals for his courage he only became a corporal which is the low rank in army.

Adolf Hitler with other soldiers. He is seated  on the far left . 

Adolf Hitler and his comrades at WW1. 
When he was recovering in hospital from injuries he heard of the armistice. He could not take the fact that Germany was defeated in the war and hated the Weimar Government for signing the the Treaty of Versailles.

When Hitler joined the German Worker's Party  in 1920.

When Hitler was appointed as the German Worker's Party. 
In 1920, Hitler joined the German Worker's Party and soon became a leader. The party members were impressed with Hitler's tremendous energy and leadership skills. With Hitler's eloquent speech and charisma, he managed to influence the Germans. 

His charisma. 

Part of his speech .

His actions. 

Despite the fact that Hitler managed to influence some Germans, not all gave their support to Hitler. In 1923, he tried to overthrow the government by using force but did not succeed. This caused him to be arrested. In order to lighten his sentence to 5 years, he made an impassioned speech to the judges and portrayed himself as a German patriot, not a rebel. Hitler overcame his early failures and rose to become one of Germany's powerful leaders. 


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